University of Georgia
Hi! I love spending time with friends and finding new experiences that life has to offer. I enjoy traveling, trying new restaurants/cuisines, and meeting new people. My hobbies consist of sports, video games, technology and anything related to those fields. I am a big time soccer fanatic, tell me your favorite team!! I can support teens with optimistic outlook into various life scenarios while providing a realistic expectation. I can offer my opinions and experiences on situations that I have been in before them. I am able to share time management skills and guidance. I am able to be a friend that can just listen if they need to talk about anything at all without judgement.
What I'm doing currently:
These days I am traveling to visit friends in other states, training to learn some new technologies at work, staying active with soccer and other outdoor activities, and trying to do things that I didn't have the time or resources to do in the past.
Life experiences:
School Pressure
Famly Dynamics
Dating Stress
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Mentor Intro
Hi! I'm Kevin.
My favorite song
My favorite food
Super basic answer, but steak. As a plain cut I love a good ribeye, but it fits into any type of cuisine, so steak will be my go to.
My favorite place